Half Day Rental
(less than 5 hours)
Full Day Rental
(8:00 am to 8:00 am)
Cullen Theater License Fee
(Houston First Corporation)
($250 for each additional hour)
($250 for each additional hour)
Labor & Mainenance Fees
(Wortham Center Operating Company)
($250 for each additional hour)
($250 for each additional hour)
Audio / Visual Base Rate
(BEND Productions)
Note: Depending on the needs of your project, there may be additional costs associated with renting the Cullen LIVE venue. The above rates do not include costs for deposit, insurance, additional backstage labor, security, first aid or additional equipment rental.

All rentals require a signed venue agreement, insurance certificate, license and deposit fees paid at least 30 days in advance.


For specific technical information on the Cullen LIVE! venue at the Wortham Theater Center, please contact Director of Backstage Operations, Derwood (Woody) Freitag at 713-238-9690 or derwood.freitag@wtc-wcoc.com
Additional backstage labor fees may be required based on your intended virtual project. Please discuss your technical needs as early as possible.

Audio/Visual Recording and Livestreaming services for Cullen LIVE! are offered exclusively by BEND Productions. For more information on recording and streaming packages for the Cullen LIVE! venue, please review the BEND Productions service menu and contact Ben Doyle at 281-467-7846 or ben@bendproductions.com.

BEND Productions service menu

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